The Direct method is named “direct” because meaning should be connected directly with the target language without translation in to the native language.
Direct Method
The direct method, sometimes also called as the ‘reform’ method, ‘natural’ method, ‘psychological’ method, ‘phonetic’ method, and ‘anti- grammatical’ method. The Direct method is named “direct” because meaning should be connected directly with the target language without translation in to the native language. In this method students make direct association between target language and its meaning without interference of mother tongue. Mother tongue is not allowed in this method.
Ex : Suppose we have to explain Mango.
In G.T.M. Mango > आम.
In Direct method : We will show the picture of mango and student should be able to know the meaning of Mango.
Principle :
1. Objects (e.g., chart or pictures) present in the immediate classroom environment should be used to help students understand the meaning.
2. The use of mother tongue is not allowed.
3. Direct method states that vocabulary is acquire naturally if student use it in sentences, not memorizing it.
In Grammar translation method students are a lot of words to remember, but in direct method they are encourage to use words in sentences.
4. Direct method used situational approach.
5. In Grammar translation method student learns target language with help of mother tongue, but in Direct method student learn the language through situation in the classroom.
6. Grammar should be taught inductively.
7. Reading in the target language should be taught from the beginning of the language instruction. Basically, in childhood the children learn language through direct method even they do not know the rule of grammar but they try to talk in target language.
8. This method proceed form unknown to known.
9. The learner experiences the new language in the same way in which he has experienced his mother tongue.
10. The direct method aims at establishing a direct bond between experience and expression. According to the direct method, the students should think directly in English.
11. The teacher should demonstrate, not explain or translate. It is desirable that students make a direct association between the target language and meaning.
12. The purpose of language learning is communication (therefore, students need to learn how to ask questions as well as answer them).
13. No translation is allowed in this method.
Advantage :
1. It gives students the opportunity of self-correction.
2. Direct method is student centered. Students participation and active involvement of students is required in this method.
3. This method gives much emphasis on speaking and listening skill. Students become very fluent in target language.
4. Direct method helps learner to acquire correct pronunciation.
5. It Helps in teaching idioms and phrases.
6. It provides better fluency of language. As a lot of attention is paid to oral training in this method, the students acquire fluency of speech.
7. It is natural method. In the direct method the order of teaching is observing, listening, speaking, reading and writing. This is the natural order of learning a language.
8. This method makes use of demonstration and conversation.
Disadvantage :
1. Direct method is quite expensive because it needs audio-visual tools, chart in order to tell the meaning of object (Like – table, mango etc.).
We can’t speak the ‘मेज, आम’ we have to show the pictures of Table, Mango.
2. It supports only limited vocabulary.
Suppose we have to explain behaviors of a person such as – good, bad, attractive in this case we don’t have any T.L.M., chart or other objects to explain meaning.
3. Reading and writing skills are ignored in this method.
4. This method is inconvenient for huge class.
5. This method is difficult for average, below average students or slow learners.
6. It does not teach grammar systematically.
7. It isn’t effective in early stages of learning.
8. Every teacher can’t make a success of the direct method. Only that teacher can work out this method successfully, who is good at English? Especially conversational English.
9. The Direct Method gives much importance to speech. It almost neglects reading and writing. So, it is an incomplete method.
Activities :
- Sentence completion activities -
- Ex : Nandini stood first in the class because....
- Storytelling.
- Listening and act.
- Combine the sentences :
- He is a good boy. He is a smart boy.
- He is a good and smart boy.