Passive voice of Phrasal verbs.
Voice - Special Rules-II
Rule . जब Active voice के वाक्य में क्रिया के बाद कोई Preposition हो तो Passive voice में Main verb के IIIrd Form के बाद Preposition ज्यों का त्यों रहता है .
By का प्रयोग उसके बाद करेंगे –
- A.V. I look after him.
- P.V. He is looked after by me.
- A.V. They asked for a mango.
- P.V. A mango was asked for by them.
- A.V. We looked into the matter.
- P.V. The matter was looked into by us.
- A.V. A bus ran over the baby.
- P.V. The baby was run over by a bus.
- A.V. She played upon the flute.
- P.V. The flute was played upon by her.
- A.V. I looked at him.
- P.V. He was looked at by me.
Rule 1. जब Active voice के वाक्य का कर्ता (Subject) : one, everyone, everybody, somebody, people हो तो Passive voice के वाक्य में by का प्रयोग नहीं करते है क्योंकि इन शब्दों को वाक्य में न मान कर चलते है -
- A.V. Everyone should do one’s duty.
- P.V. One’s duty should be done.
- A.V. One ought to obey one’s elders.
- P.V. One’s elders ought to be obeyed.
- A.V. People laughed at him.
- P.V. He was laughed at.
- A.V. One must keep one's promises.
- P.V. Promises must be kept.
- A.V. The police have caught the thief.
- P.V. The thief has been caught.
Note :- Some people, Many people को Passive Voice में लिखा जाता है -
- A.V. Some people do not eat mango.
- P.V. Mango is not eaten by some people.
Rule 2. यदि Active voice Do not से शुरू हो तो Passive बनाते समय You are forbidden/prohibited/denied/refused/refuted का प्रयोग करते है और Negative word का प्रयोग नहीं करते है-
S .No.
Past Participle
- A.V. Do not tell a lie.
- P.V. You are forbidden to tell a lie.
- P.V. You are prohibited to tell a lie.
Rule 3. यदि Active voice में Main Verb के तुरंत बाद Indirect object (सजीव कर्म) उसके बाद Direct object (निर्जीव कर्म) दिए हो तो और दोनों Objects के बीच में कोई Preposition न हो तो Passive दो तरह से बनाया जा सकता है –
Syntax :- Indirect Object + H.V. + Main verb + Direct Object + by + Subject.
Syntax :- Direct Object + H.V. + Main verb + to + Indirect Object + by + Subject.
- A.V. He teaches me (I.O.) English (D.O.).
- P.V. I am taught English by him.
- P.V. English is taught to me by him.
- A.V. He gave me a flower yesterday.
- P.V. I was given a flower yesterday by him.
- P.V. A flower was given to me yesterday by him.
- A.V. He will bring you a watch.
- P.V. You will be brought a watch by him.
- P.V. A watch will be brought for me yesterday by him.
- A.V. He brought me a book yesterday.
- P.V. I was brought a book yesterday by him.
- P.V. A book was brought for me yesterday by him.
Note 4. यदि Active voice में Direct object के बाद Indirect object दिया हो तो Passive Voice में Indirect Object को Subject नहीं बना सकते है –
- A.V. She is telling a story to us.
- P.V. A story is being told by her.
Rule 5. उन वाक्यों का Passive voice बनाना जिसमे Main verb के रूप में निम्न शब्द दिए हो –
Surprised, Annoyed, Vexed, Alarmed, Amazed, Thronged,
Disgusted, Astonished, Pleased, Displeased, Satisfied, Dissatisfied, Shocked,
Furnished, Decorated, Adorned, Garnished, Embellished, Overwhelmed, Angry,
Frowned, Agreed, Disagreed, Conceded, Acceded
तो वस्तु के लिए हमेशा at तथा व्यक्ति के लिए with का प्रयोग किया जाता है-
- A.V. Rakesh annoyed us.
- P.V. We were annoyed with Rakesh.
- A.V. His behaviour surprises us.
- P.V. We are surprised at his behaviour.
Rule 6. ऐसे वाक्य जिसमे वाक्य के प्रारंभ में Wh-Word + noun दी गई हो तो Passive बनाते समय Wh-word + Noun को Subject के रूप में लिखते है तथा Noun के अनुसार Helping verb का प्रयोग किया जाता है –
- A.V. How many books do you study? *
- P.V. How many books are studied by you?
- A.V. Which book did she like most?
- P.V. Which book was liked most by her?
- A.V. What books do you study?
- P.V. What books are studied by you?
Rule 7. जब Active voice का वाक्य Who से शुरू होता है तो Passive बनाने के लिए वाक्य को By whom से शुरू करते है, तथा यदि वाक्य Whom से शुरू होता हो तो Passive बनाने के लिए वाक्य को Who से शुरू करते है तथा Interrogative Rule के अनुसार परिवर्तन करते है-
- I.A.V. Who gave a book?
- I.P.V. By whom was a book given?
- I.A.V. Who had taught you in Intermediate?
- I.P.V. By whom had you been taught in Intermediate?
- I.A.V. Who teaches you English?
- I.P.V. By whom are you taught English?
- I.P.V. By whom is English taught to you?
- I.A.V. Who can solve this question?
- I.P.V. By whom can this question be solved?
- I.A.V. Whom did you call?
- I.P.V. Who was called by you?
- I.A.V. Whom do you teach?
- I.P.V. Who (Singular) is taught by you?
Rule 8. जब Active voice के वाक्य में ‘going to’ दिया हो –
Syntax :- H.V. + going to + be Main verb III .
Syntax :- H.V. + going to + be Main verb III .
- A.V. He is going to buy a car.
- P.V. A car is going to be bought.
- A.V. She is going to sell the house.
- P.V. The house is going to be sold by her.
- A.V. He is not going to tell the truth.
- P.V. The truth is not going to be told by him.