जब Verbs (is, am, are, was, were), Have (has, have, had) और Do (do, does, did) मुख्य क्रिया के साथ प्रयोग होकर Tense, Voice, Narration का निर्माण करते है, तब ये Auxiliary Verbs कहलाते है.
Primary Auxiliaries (Be, Have, Do)
जब वाक्य में एक से अधिक क्रियाएँ होती है तो उनमे एक Main verb तथा अन्य Auxiliary अथवा Helping verb होती है . As :
- She is reading her book.
- You have done your work.
- I may receive a letter tomorrow.
- He will leave this town next month.
- He has been punished by the teacher.
जब Verbs (is, am, are, was, were), Have (has, have, had) और Do (do, does, did) मुख्य क्रिया के साथ प्रयोग होकर Tense, Voice, Narration का निर्माण करते है, तब ये Auxiliary Verbs कहलाते है.
1. Be (is, am, are, was, were) का प्रयोग :-
(A) is, am, are का प्रयोग Present Continuous तथा was / were का प्रयोग Past Continuous Tense में किया जाता है-
- I am reading a book. मै एक किताब पढ़ रहा हूँ.
- He is going his home. वह अपने घर जा रहा है.
- You are a good boy. तुम एक अच्छे लडके हो.
- We are writing a letter. हम लोग एक पत्र लिख रहे हैं.
- He was going. वह जा रहा था.
- They were reading book. वे सब किताब पढ़ रहे थे.
- We were playing cricket. हम लोग क्रिकेट खेल रहे थे.
(B) (is, am are, was, were) प्रयोग passive voice की Tense में भी किया जाता है-
- She is punished by her mother.
- The gate was closed.
- A car was bought by him.
- A story will be told by you.
- They will be punished by God.
- A lesson has been learnt by me.
(C) योजना बनाने के लिए –
- The match is to start at 1p.m.
- He is about to go school.
2. Have (has, have, had) का प्रयोग Perfect Tense में किया जाता है –
- He has written a letter. वह एक पत्र लिख चूका है.
- You had done your work. तुम अपना काम कर चुके थे.
- He will have gone. वह जा चूका होगा.
- They have been working their work since morning.
- वे सब सुबह से अपना काम कर रहे है.
3. Has/Have/Had + to का प्रयोग निम्न अर्थो में किया जाता है –
- He has to complete his work. उसे अपना काम पूरा करना होगा.
- You have to be there by nine o’clock. आपको वहां नौ बजे तक रहना होगा.
- They had to go their house. उन्हें अपने घर जाना था.
4. Be, Have, Do जब बिना मुख्य क्रिया के प्रयोग किये जाते है तो इन्हें Ordinary Verbs कहा जाता है –
- He is a teacher. वह एक अध्यापक है.
- You are a thief. तुम एक चोर हो.
- He was like a lion. वह एक शेर की तरह था.
- He has a car. उसके पास एक कार है.
- We had a big house. हमारे पास एक बड़ा घर था.
5. Helping Verb के रूप में –
- I had learnt a lesson. मै एक पाठ याद कर चूका था.
- She has told me a story. वह मुझे एक कहानी सुना चुकी है.
- Ram has written a letter. वह एक पत्र लिख चूका है.
- Mohan has read many books. मोहन बहुत सी किताबे पढ़ चूका है.
6. अन्य प्रयोग –
- She does not want to have a coffee. वह कॉफी नहीं पीना चाहती है.
- She is having a bath. वह नहा रही है.
- I have no trouble with this car. मुझे इस कार से कोई परेशानी नहीं है.
- Ravi has a bat. रवि के पास एक बल्ला है.
- Mohan has eight pens. मोहन के पास आठ पेन है.
- A dog has four legs. कुत्ते की चार पैर होती है.
- Lucknow has beautiful parks. लखनऊ में सुन्दर बगीचा है.
- You have a headache. तुम्हारे सर में दर्द है.
- He had an old house. उसके पास एक पुराना घर था.
- I had a big car. मेरे पास एक बड़ी कार थी.
7. Have का प्रयोग-
- My father is having many people to dinner at night.
- He is having a bath.
- They have lunch at two.